In the movie "Cars" Lightening McQueen ruins the road going through Radiator Spring. His punishment is to fix the road, and as soon as he is finished repaving the road he is free to go. He then goes on and attempt to fix the road in the fastest way possible, and in the end, the road is a mess. He went through and did a sloppy job, and his only goal was to do it and get it done and over with as fast as possible. He is then told to go back and fix it. So McQueen has to go back through the road and fix his mistakes, cleaning and smoothing the road out in such a way that is drivable. When he is finally finished, after much revision, the road is finished and so smooth the citizens of Radiator Springs are in awe.This story line coming the movie is very similar to my writing style. When I'm writing a paper or short essay, I often wait and then sit down and write the entire essay in one sitting. I then will go back and edit my mistakes. I am like Lightening in this way, except I don't have to be forced to fix my mistakes. I freely admit to the fact that my writing is not always clear the first time it comes out of my fact it is often a jumbled mess. I usually need to go back and smooth things out, in the same way that Lightening had to do.